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Writer's pictureJulie Gross

Spring is in the Air!

Spring break is here, and the ladies’ spring tea is just around the corner! The weather is warming up, and the geese can be heard honking noisily as they return from their winter homes. What a wonderful time of the year!

Maybe that’s why my blog is late this week–I was out enjoying the lovely spring weather! Well, that is partially true. For teachers at my school, we needed to be at school on Monday and Tuesday of this week, but on Tuesday evening, I left town for spring break! Now, I didn’t fly to Florida or drive to Texas, but I did drive south to visit my husband in Yankton, South Dakota where he lives during the week.

I’m actually still in Yankton as I write this! We did take a lovely walk one night and a beautiful bike ride the second night, so I did get to enjoy the amazing spring weather. We saw deer, turkeys, ducks, geese, a beaver, a squirrel, and a bald eagle, so that made the outdoor time even more fun. 

But, I can’t blame the warm weather completely on my blog being late. I just put it off. On my first full day of spring break, Wednesday, I actually just stayed in bed until noon. I can’t believe it! I never do that, and as I get older, I have difficulty doing that. Now, I didn’t actually sleep that whole time. I am babysitting my son’s two orange kittens, and I was in the room with them, so I spent some of that time watching them. They really are funny! 

So, for my blog this week, I want to use it to promote our ladies’ spring tea on April 13. Last year we had 91 women, and this year we would love to see 150 women come to the event! We’re having it in our sanctuary at Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene in Mitchell, SD, because we were running out of room downstairs in our fellowship hall. So, there will be plenty of room for you all and your friends!

We’ll have amazing brunch food, door prizes, a devotion by Unfinished Women, a hat parade/style show, and maybe even some worship music! We will also have childcare provided. And did I mention that this event is FREE! I couldn’t be more excited! Michelle and I are planning to talk about the “hats” that we wear as women, and we’re going to look at the “hats” that some of the women in the Bible wore as well. I’m looking forward to exploring those ideas a bit.

Ladies, please think of this as your formal invitation! Let’s get together and fellowship–I know that I need that in my life! I like this verse that focuses on encouraging each other: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (I Thessalonians 5:11). Let's encourage each other and have fun together on April 13!

I’ll see you all on April 13! 



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