Jesus is Lord. Have you ever read some of the stories in The Bible and thought oooo...I wish I had been there to see that? Some people think Jesus was serious and stern, but I think Jesus was more like, well, a regular person, but always loving, yet fun--someone everyone wants to be around. I think Jesus is still someone lots of people want to be around.
For instance,
Remember that time in The Bible when Jesus did that sleep in at the temple with the Rabbis? His parents had to go back for him! (Luke 2:43-51)
Oh! And remember that time Jesus turned water into wine for that wedding? (John 2:1-11)That had to be epic! Jesus was invited before the miracle, so clearly people loved him.
Okay, the wine thing was cool, but later, Jesus walked on water! Yeah - Jesus was hanging out in a boat with the disciples. A storm came. The disciples panicked. Jesus got out of the boat and walked away. On top of the water...without sinking. No drowning. Peter sank. SPOILER ALERT: Jesus saved Peter. AND Jesus calmed the seas. (Matthew 14:22-33) That's amazing.
No - wait....I know what was more epic: 5000 people at a party...Jesus made the meal to feed everyone out of a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread! I definitely would have liked to see that. (Matthew 14:13-21)
AND Jesus gave that speech on the mountain so rock-solid, people are STILL talking about it! (Matthew 5-7)
Then, Jesus had a SECOND beach party...also epic...
All of that stuff really happened, but Jesus wasn't flamboyant or a bragger or showing off. Jesus did all of these things with purpose: to spread the good news that a king had come to take away the sin of the world.
Jesus did the sleep-in at the temple because he was studying God's word with the Rabbi's.
Jesus knew it wasn't time yet for him to perform miracles in public, but Jesus loved him mom sooo much! When Mary asked Jesus to turn the water into wine, Jesus couldn't refuse his mom.
Jesus walked on water to show Peter how God is not bound by him perceptions of what is possible. With God, all things are possible. Jesus is God. Jesus walked on water to show Peter who Jesus was.
Jesus fed the 5000 because, well, when people come to your party, you have to feed them.
People sat and listened to him give instruction. I'm a school teacher. To hold that many people's attention, Jesus was saying things so profound and incredible, the people couldn't stop listening.
Then, Jesus was tortured and beaten, forced to carry his cross up a steep hill, and nailed to the cross. That part wasn't fun. Yet, Jesus rose from the grave, saving God's followers from sin.
Lately, I've been thinking about what draws me to Jesus: His love. How could God love me so much that He gave his only son as a sacrifice to wash away my sins? Jesus forgives the people who persecute them. I get mad at a store clerk and rumble about it for an hour after...but not Jesus--He forgives immediately. I want to run to him! I want to be in the presence of Jesus and hear him laugh. Laughter is one of the best outbursts of joy.
What if I could do things like Jesus? I do feed guests when they come to my house, but I don't serve wine. What if I would help people up when they fall or offer an encouraging word when someone is down? That would be like Jesus. What if I just forgive all past offenses? That's what Jesus would do.
Today is a clean slate. Do you need some Jesus? Crack open Matthew. Start anywhere. Be like Jesus. It's all good...God is all good, all the time.
Praying many blessing over your relationship with Jesus,