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Whitewashed Wood

God's not finished yet . . . 

so we aren't finished either. God loves to use imperfect people to fulfill his perfect promise. Finding His promise through ministry means showing vulnerability, exhibiting faith, and joining others in fellowship.

About Us

Whitewashed Wood

To inspire and serve women who need to hear how God loves us, forgives us, helps us with our imperfections, and uses us for His good.

Our Mission

Whitewashed Wood

 By leading through fellowship and through sharing stories of our imperfections with humility and humor.


Whitewashed Wood

To use our writing and our speaking about God’s love to reach women and to support them in their faith walk.

Our Vision

Whitewashed Wood

To minister to women about God’s agape love. Until Jesus’ return or we join God in His kingdom, our work is not finished yet. God sees His children as wonderfully made, precious in His sight. We are perfectly imperfect, forgiven and redeemed through the sacrifice of Jesus. We love Jesus, and Jesus loves us! We want to spread that news all over! 

Our Purpose

Whitewashed Wood

We love Jesus. We value Bible-based teachings demonstrating service to others. As Jesus served people during his life, so do we seek to serve other women through fellowship as disciples of Christ. We value a loving community of believers.


We aren't perfect, but we love Jesus. Just as we are not perfect, we recognize that other women are made perfectly imperfect through the eyes of God. We value the beauty of these women and seek to reflect that beauty through our love of God and the teachings of Jesus. 


Our God isn't finished yet, and we value the opportunity to spread the word about God's love. As stewards of faith, we seek to share these values with other women and encourage others to share God's love and God's message. 

Our Values

Whitewashed Wood

6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Philippians 1:6, NLT


Whitewashed Wood

Michelle & Julie are rooted in faith as part of 


Want to learn more about Unfinished Women? Do you feel the need for fellowship? Would you like to share your stories of faith with us? Feel free to get in touch, and we will get back to you soon!

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