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Writer's pictureJulie Gross

I Love Jesus and Kittens and My Boys!

So, my oldest son adopted two sister kittens from the humane society in September. He’s had them for about a month and a half, and they are adorable!

Now, they are a lot of work, also, but since I just visit on weekends, I don’t see all of the work. I just get to cuddle with them and watch them play for a few hours on Saturdays! They are not quite six months old, and they are sweet, little orange fluff balls! I thought they were identical when he first got them, but now I can really see the differences.

Bella has bigger ears, a more pronounced area where her whiskers are, and she’s all orange. Nessie has a more petite and elegant face, and she has some white on her neck along with white socks on each paw. Nessie is a little rounder around the middle, but I think that’s because she’s not as active as Bella. I can relate, Nessie!

With their personalities, we could tell right away what the two kittens would be like. Garrison adopted these two kittens because Bella chose Garrison. When we walked by their cage, Bella flirted. She stuck her paw out of the cage to get Garrison’s attention, and then when he touched her paw, she rolled over on her back to show off. When he went to open the cage door, Bella’s three siblings (including Nessie) shied away from the door, but Bella ran for the door opening, almost jumping into Garrison’s hands. She wanted out!

After taking a look at a few more cats, Garrison went back to Bella’s cage, and got her out again. Bella had chosen Garrison, but Garrison decided to not just adopt Bella; he decided to adopt one of her siblings as well, to keep her company when he had to work. Nessie looked the most like Bella, and Garrison has a special place in his heart for orange cats, so both kittens went home with Garrison that day!

Garrison has come to find that Nessie is a sweet kitten, but she’s a bit more shy and reserved than Bella. Bella will jump up on the couch, onto Garrison’s lap, and then onto his shoulder, where she then manages to roll/fall into his arms, so he can hold her like a baby. She’s a character! Nessie prefers to rub up against his legs as he’s walking, asking for him to reach down to pet her. She doesn’t love to be picked up–the cuddles are more on her terms, which is just her personality. Nessie is an elegant and refined princess, and Bella is more of a bulldozer. Bella bites on Garrison’s hands and feet anytime she gets a chance, and he redirects her to a toy each time, but Nessie has never tried to bite. They’re a bit like night and day!

You see–cats are a lot like people. We are all different, very different, and God did that on purpose. What a boring world we’d have if we were all the same. But He loves us all! He loves our differences. My two boys have a lot of things in common, but they are also very different. In fact, when I was pregnant with my second son, I found out that I was having another boy, and in my mind, I wasn’t sure how I could have two boys when my first one was so perfect. I thought, “How can I have another boy and not compare them?” So, I prayed to God that He would make them different, so I wouldn’t be tempted to compare them. God answered that prayer!

I am blessed with two intelligent, talented, funny, caring God-loving boys, but they are very different, also! Just one example–Garrison is an electrical engineer, and Jamison sings and plays piano on a cruise ship. Those are two very different occupations! I love it! Thank you, Lord, for my two blessings!

I don’t know what God has in store for my two sons, but I know He has the best in mind for them. Jeremiah 29:11 tells me this: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” I am excited to see how God blesses them!

You can imagine that I’ve taken a few pictures of the two kittens, right? So, here are a few pictures of the kittens and a picture of my boys and me!

That is Nessie on the left and Bella on the right:

This is Bella:

This is Nessie:

This is Jamison, Garrison, and me:

Thanks for reading, friends!



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