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  • Writer's pictureJulie Gross

A Summer of Gratitude - I’m grateful for my friends

Friends. What a true blessing and gift from God they are! They put up with my craziness and my quirks, and they actually want to hang out with me! That’s amazing!

I have two amazing friends from high school that I still keep in contact with, and we share a few special bonds. In high school, we were always in choir together and sometimes swing choir. Now that we’re older, we’ve bonded over sharks. I know it sounds strange, but we all fell in love with making fun of the Sharknado movies. They are just so much fun to watch together, so we would Facetime each other and watch them. We’ve done some visiting, but not nearly enough in-person time together! But we’ve been friends for YEARS! 

I have another high school friend, and I was the maid of honor in her wedding, and she was in mine as well. We have kept in contact over the years as well. She actually invited me to a church lock-in when we were in 7th grade, and that’s where I asked Jesus into my heart and committed myself to being a Christian. I truly owe my salvation to this friend! 

From my college days, I have two close friends. We experienced a lot together in those four years of college! One of these friends and I just got together this week, and we realized it had been over three years since we last got together. So, we have decided to be intentional–we’re going to have a girls’ trip soon! I can’t wait!

Finally, from my days as an adult, I’ve made a lot of friends, some closer than others. But I have a group of ladies that is truly special to me! We get together a few times a year, and we always have the most fun! But the best thing is that I know if I were in need, they would be there, arms open wide. For example, when my cat Leo passed away, I received a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and on my birthday during Covid, they showed up in my yard with presents and cupcakes, so we could spend time in lawn chairs, social distancing, but still being together! When my mom passed away, they were amazing, with notes and gifts and prayers and hugs. 

God has put people in my life when I need them. Some of them have passed through my life, and we’re no longer close, but others have stayed. The Bible has quite a few things to say about friends. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says this: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed,” and Proverbs 27:9 says, “The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.”

Thanks for reading, friends.



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